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Malawi Landscape & Scenery

Malawi Tourism Stand: AF64

Malawi’s natural scenery is stunningly beautiful. The diversity of landscapes and vegetation is breath- taking and changes around every bend: untouched wilderness, high plateaux, mountain peaks, riverine lowlands, vast tracts of forest, grasslands, and plantations of sugar and tea. All of this in a country smaller than England.

Malawi’s highest peaks touch 10000ft/3000m while the lowest points are barely above sea level. These great contrasts help to make its landscape one the most varied in Africa. As well as viewing points from which to see across countless miles of magnificent landscapes, the forest reserves and uplands offer activities f rom climbing to trekking, mountain biking to birdwatching, or simple cool tranquillity in surroundings of incredible natural beauty.

The peaks of the Mulanje Massif in the south offer hiking and climbing for days, even weeks, while nearby Zomba Plateau is easy to access, has a stables and boasts stunning views from its edge. The forests of the Viphya Highlands run up the spine of the country, giving way to the dramatic Rift Valley escarpment that descends, along with its rivers, to the shores of Lake Malawi. In the far north are the stunning and unique rolling grassland hills of the Nyika Plateau, which is also a wildlife reserve. Even though their focus is wildlife and safaris, all of Malawi’s reserves also have their own beautiful scenery to behold.

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