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Ian McClelland

Ian McClelland

Turn Wild

Ian is the founder and CEO of Turn Wild- an expedition company that trains absolute beginners to thrive on expeditions. He is also a member of the British Association of International Mountain Leaders and a qualified International Mountain Guide. Ian has been visiting and guiding expeditions in West Greenland for a decade. Turn Wild thrives on successfully helping budding adventurers enter the exciting world of expedition life, and in 2024, our expeditions to Greenland, Kyrgyzstan, Greece, Montenegro, Norway and the Atlas Mountains will help many to achieve that goal.

Ian studied Health Studies at the degree level and gained a master's in Drugs and Addiction; it was a natural path to get involved in the incredible journey of running an outdoor events team- for those battling substance issues. In the decade Ian has been involved in this, first as a charity trustee and then as an event provider (for London-based Turning Point and DAWS.) he has seen incredible changes in the mindset and skill set of those who attend—an increase in mental well-being, team communication skills and improvement in self-belief. In 2024, the UK-based work with young adults will expand and Ian looks forward to providing outdoor camping experiences for disadvantaged students nationwide for Firepot Foods. The demand for team training for small to medium-sized businesses is also increasing. 

Ian's personal goal is to cross the Greenland Icecap self-supported. After having guided teams up to it so many times, he have developed a strong urge to cross it and besides, there is simply nothing like expedition life. 

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