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Paul Goldstein

Paul Goldstein

Guide, Award-winning Photographer, Conservationist, Co-owner and founder of Kicheche Camps

Paul Goldstein is an award-winning photographer, defender of endangered species, extreme marathon runner and guide with a large clan of followers. He has worked and survived in travel approaching 40 years in all seven continents. He set up (24 years ago) and co-owns four eco camps in Kenya and is described by the Times as 'impossibly vivacious, a guide of psychotic gusto'. The Telegraph says 'no-one will drag you up the wildlife photography ladder quicker'. He has lectured all over the globe and his favourite areas are the Arctic and Antarctic, the Pantanal, India, Baffin Island and his beloved conservancies of the Mara. Predators are his primary photographic dish and tigers his inspiration, inspiration enough to run 25 marathons - including Everest two years ago - in his now fabled suit. Never knowingly undersold, always outspoken and a lively and entertaining presenter ... you've been warned.

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