Stuart Whittington
Stuart was a tour leader in South America before taking on senior positions at several tour operators. He has a deep love for Latin America and Antarctica.
Stuart joined Journeyscape with an impressive travel pedigree, having earned his stripes as a tour leader in South America before managing product and commercial for Explore, Hurtigruten and Asia specialists Wendy Wu. Though he has travelled all over the world his connection to Latin America has never waned, and as well as regularly returning to the region he was heavily involved in the Latin American Travel Association and its charitable foundation for a number of years.
Stuart’s first encounter with South America was on a 6-month backpacking trip around Brazil, where the energy, joy and warmth of its people left an impression which has stayed with him ever since. Having grown up in the Lake District, Stuart feels an affinity for the great outdoors and perhaps his favourite memory of his very extensive Latin American travels is trekking around Cerro Torre in Argentina with the Southern Patagonian Ice Field laid out before him. Another memorable experience was the craziness of Carnival in Salvador, when what little sleep he had was on the floor of a local house with the South American Handbook for a pillow!